Session XI. Nutrition and immune development.
Wednesday 12th September
15.30 - 17.30 h.
Great Hall (Ground Floor)
Gabriela Perdigón
Tucumán University. CONICET-Cerela. Tucumán. Argentina.
See biography...
Francisco José Pérez-Cano
Department of Biochemistry and Physiology. Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences. University of Barcelona. Spain.
See biography...
Breast milk oligosaccharides and the developing immune system.
Sharon Donovan
University of Illinois. United States of America.
See biography...
Breast feeding, microbiota and immune development in early life.
Aletta Kraneveld
Dept . Pharmacology. Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences. Faculty of Science. Utrecht University. The Netherlands. Nutricia Research. The Netherlands.
Biography not available
T-cell development in malnutrition: consequences for acute infections
Wilson Savino
Full Researcher. Laboratory on Thymus Research, Director of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute. Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.
See biography...
380/34 Intrauterine growth restriction induced by maternal low-protein diet during pregnancy is associated with alterations of Intrathymic Thymocyte distribution in offspring.
380/43 Probiotic Ganeden BC30 promotes innate immune response in Mexican children after 3 months of consumption.